I like to express the uncanny, so I’ll often paint a romanticised landscape or an everyday interior and include a touch of the weird or unexpected, like a floating shape, or an unexplained void.

Sometimes I look at the whole work as an abyss or a portal, and I just keep adding things until what was an abstract space - a blank page - takes shape or becomes recognisible in some way.

I work with paint, collage, oil pastels, felt tips and pencil - so far. Some works are one medium only: others involve all the tools I have. I am interested in how different mediums relate to each other, how they can enhance, upstage or “impersonate”. For example, I like to use marker pens to “draw” with colour.

I use found materials, long discarded fragments that were once functional, say a ticket or envelope. I enjoy the unspoken collaboration with print media and graphic artists.